Awakening with compassion, one step at a time

放慢腳步 體驗 覺醒與 慈愛


Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation 正念靜心的好處

Learn meditation and mindfulness techniques to let go of worries, reduce stress, and embrace inner peace


Train your concentration to handle daily tasks more efficiently.


Through mindfulness, channel your energy towards positive directions, feeling liberated, clear-minded, relaxed, healthy, motivated, and filled with love.


Acquire the ability to accept emotions and gracefully navigate various situations, achieving emotional balance. 學會接納情緒,從容應對各種情況,達到心理平衡

What ZitaMae Offers... 史特美提供給你的...

Here, we've carved out a space where everyone can nurture their awareness, share profound insights, and gain a deeper understanding of their life's path. On this spiritual journey, remember that you're not alone; we're here to provide group support and guidance. We eagerly anticipate sharing this journey with you!


We provide classes where you can hone your awareness and mindfulness skills, discover self-compassion, foster deeper connections with loved ones, and embark on a journey towards your dreams and goals. Additionally, we offer one-on-one consultations to guide you in becoming more conscious of your relationship with yourself and your family



Testimonials 回饋

"Outstanding sessions, Caroline! Thank you so much for making this available to us. Your breadth of knowledge & references are amazing. You present in a way that is easy for me to understand. I love it when you give your real-life examples before the exercise. You are an amazing facilitator. I am truly grateful!"


"Every class, I can feel the teacher's inner strength coming through the sound, like it's penetrating from the clouds, and it brings peace to me too! With each practice, I see myself getting closer to myself, it's a kind of happiness. 每次上課都可以透過聲音,感受到老師內在安穩的力量從雲端穿透而來,自己也跟著安穩了! 一次一次的練習,看見自己跟自己靠近,是一種幸福"


"Every cell in the body has been nourished by Caroline's love. 身體的每個細胞都被老師的愛餵飽了"
